How long has NEPTN been in business?

NEPTN has been in business over twenty years! The company was started by physical therapists who were committed to maintaining private practice physical therapy in the region.

Does NEPTN work with private practitioners opening new practices?

Yes, NEPTN is a great resource for new practice owners. We manage all contracting and credentialing needs. We assist with establishing operational policies including a Policy and Procedure Manual, HIPAA Manual and Corporate Compliance Manual. We act as a resource to all practice owners and provide the tools to manage and grow your business.

Does NEPTN provide contracting and credentialing services?

NEPTN completes all contracting and credentialing activities for our members.

How is the membership fee assessed?

There is an annual membership fee. The fee may be paid in installments. As a convenience to our members, NEPTN accepts credit cards.

Does NEPTN collect a percent of my reimbursement?

No, you receive 100% of the reimbursement from the payer.

Are claims submitted to NEPTN or to the insurance company?

Clinics submit claims to the insurance companies. The insurance companies send reimbursement directly to the clinic.

Does NEPTN hold membership meetings?

NEPTN holds clinic owner meetings/forums a few times each year. We often have a speaker address the group on key issues important to private practice owners. Our ownership forums have become a very positive networking opportunity for our members. During these forums clinic owners share their tools and techniques with other members. A variety of topics have been covered including Employee Retention Strategies, Staff Compensation, Productivity Standards and Succession Planning. NEPTN also conducts meetings for the office manager/billing manager. We invite Provider Relations Representatives from the HMOs and insurance companies to address the clinic staff and provide updates.

Does NEPTN offer assistance with regulatory compliance?

Yes, NEPTN routinely reviews state and federal regulations and communicates all pertinent information to our members. The NEPTN membership includes access to a HIPAA Manual and Corporate Compliance Program Manual. We also monitor Medicare rules and regulations. All CMS updates, changes and initiatives are communicated promptly to our membership.

Does NEPTN provide marketing or advertising services for members?

Yes, NEPTN has advertised online, on TV and in print. We have also used direct mail campaigns to physicians and case managers.

Does NEPTN maintain relationships with managed care companies?

Yes, our Executive Director works closely with all managed care companies and insurance companies in the area. We meet with representatives of these companies regularly and strive to maintain strong relationships.

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